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What causes body odor and how can we prevent it!?


Everybody must have experienced body odor problems at some point. Whether it is more or less, it can surely impact our confidence. Especially in Thailand where the weather is so hot, making it even worse for body odor. That makes many of us concerned and sometimes have no idea how to deal with it. But don’t worry. Today, Taoyeablok has some useful information for you. First of all, we have to understand what causes body odor.

What causes body odor? What can be the roots of the problem?

  1. When we sweat, our body has 2 types of sweat glands.
    1.1 Sweat glands that produce sweat to cool down body temperature and prevent our body from overheating. Sweat from these glands doesn’t have any odor.
    1.2 Sweat glands in armpits, groin, and hairy areas. Sometimes they can also be found behind the ears or in the neck creases. The secretions from these glands contain various types of fatty acids and have a thick consistency. They normally don’t have any odor but when bacteria consume these secretions as food, they transform the secretions into substances that produce an odor known as body odor.
  2. What we eat, especially strongly aromatic foods such as garlic, onions, fish, red meat, asparagus, certain spices, and alcohol. Not only do they cause bad breath, but eating in excessive amounts can cause our body to release odor through flatulence or sweat. Especially in hot weather like this, eating such foods can make body odor increasingly unpleasant.
  3. Stress, anger, or shock. You may notice that whenever you experience these emotions, your body sweats more than usual. It can get super sweaty in areas like the armpits, groin, or especially your palms. But getting rid of odor in these areas is not difficult. Just try to stay chill and keep your mood stable.
  4. Other factors such as period, being overweight, gender, age, smoking habits, or sometimes using certain medications can also be related.

Is body odor related to excessive sweating?
One of the confusing questions is what causes body odor. Is it related to excessive sweating? The answer is, even if you sweat a lot, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have body odor. The important thing is to take care of your hygiene and keep away from bacteria which is the main reason for body odor. Apart from that, some people who don’t have the “stinky gene” won’t have body odor even without doing anything. (Info from a scientific study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology in 2013 by researchers from the University of Bristol, UK.)
Is it possible for body odor to go away?
Now that we know the causes of body odor, getting rid of it completely can be hard because we all have sweat glands and odor glands. Every activity we do in our daily lives can lead our bodies to produce sweat and bacteria while the quantity varies from one person to another. The good news is that we can control or find ways to get rid of body odor according to our preferences! Especially nowadays, there are plenty of odor-fighting products available.

But rest assured, the three must-have formulas of Taoyeablok Deodorant Powder are here for you. Let’s begin with the “Original” formula represented by the yellow bottle with a menthol scent. It helps keep the underarm area cool and fresh, boosting your confidence. If you want to naturally nourish and lighten the underarm area, we recommend the “Whitening” formula represented by the pink bottle with a Sakura scent. And if you want to control body odor while maintaining smooth underarm skin, we recommend the “Nourishing” formula represented by the purple bottle with a lavender scent. It is enriched with Thanaka to help reduce rashes and irritation, providing a smooth texture. The best part is that all three formulas use natural extracts, making them gentle on all skin types and ensuring they won’t cause darkened skin or yellow stains on your clothes!

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