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What is the cause of strong body odor? How can we fix it?


Strong body odor is not funny because an unpleasant odor surely keeps everyone from wanting to be around you. So, what can we do if we have a strong body odor? Taoyeablok has the answer for this. Rest assured, Tao can help you!

What causes strong body odor, and why do different person have different levels of body odor?

  1. Body odor is caused by the combination of three factors: sweat, bacteria, and dirt. The longer they accumulate, the stronger the body odor becomes.
  2. Bacteria accumulated in sweaty areas that combine with musty odor of the sweat you release throughout the day can intensify body odor.
  3. Highly flavored, excessively sour, excessively salty foods, as well as foods with strong aromas such as spices, chili, fish sauce, fermented fish, garlic, onions, Parkia, durian, or even alcohol. These aromas will be released through sweat, causing stronger body odor.
  4. Mood and weather. Now you have to believe it. Excessive “stress, fear, and shock” can cause our body to have odor. Especially in hot weather, the odor can be even stronger because we sweat more easily than usual, making bacteria and fungi develop well.
  5. Certain diseases can cause excessive sweat, resulting in body odor. It can also happen during the perimenopausal age as well.

Don’t be afraid of strong body odor. Just try these tips and you will have a lasting pleasant odor instead.

  1. Keep your body clean. Shower thoroughly, especially in areas that have more sweat glands such as the armpits. After that, make sure to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel. The most important thing is choosing natural products that are gentle on the skin.
  2. Avoid being in extremely hot and damp environments, which can cause excessive sweat. Using roll-on deodorants is one of the best ways because it contains antiperspirant and antibacterial agents, while pleasant scent from roll-on deodorants can help minimize body odor.
  3. Use odor-reducing products like roll-on deodorants to help inhibit the growth of bacteria, which is a major cause of strong body odor. It is suggested that using natural Deo Roll On is the best option because it is safer for our skin and body.

How many types of roll-on deodorants are there? Which type is the best choice for our skin!?
Typically, there are two types of roll-on deodorants. The first type is odor-reducing, focusing on cleansing and providing smooth, radiant, and clear skin. The second type is sweat-reducing, serving as a treatment aid. The key objective of both types is to help minimize body odor, although their mechanisms may be slightly different (as specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)).
For the best care of your skin, Taoyeablok recommends trying Fresh & Firm Deo Roll On, Pore-Tightening Formula, as it is made from natural extracts, gentle on the skin, and free from alcohol. It effectively controls body odor while tightening pores, without causing dark underarms or staining clothes. You can confidently raise your arms at any time with 24-hour protection.

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